Friday, August 2, 2013

How to Be Awesome at Sewing: A Reusable Sandwich Wrap

I was bored this week, so I decided to go through my "Stuff to Try" Pinterest board and find a new project.

I found three.


I did this one first, because I was able to get all the supplies for it easily.  The others, not so much.

Brian takes his lunch to work every day, so I thought it would be awesome if he had a reusable sandwich wrap.  It would save some money on plastic wrap and it would be an easy project.

I went through my box of fabrics and found a small piece of green fabric with leaves on it that I thought he would like.  I had to drive a million miles to the nearest Hancock's Fabrics to get green ripstop nylon, thread, and beige Velcro.  That's all the supplies you need, though!

(And yes, I realize that the greens don't really match well.  I'm colorblind.  Stop making fun of a disabled person.)

Just cut a 12 inch square of fabric and nylon, and a 3 inch piece of Velcro.

You want to sew your Velcro on first, so pin one piece on the corner of the fabric and one piece on the corner of the nylon.  I didn't pay attention to which side to do where, but when I do another one, I will put the rough Velcro piece on the nylon so it will be the one on top.  That just seems correct to me.

Using your machine, sew around all four sides of each piece of Velcro.  Then, as above, put the two pieces of material right sides together and sew around all four sides.  Just leave a gap in one side so you can turn it right side out.

Oh, and clip your corners before you turn it out.  I always forget that part.

Once you turn it right side out, sew around the edge again to make a nice decorative seam that also reinforces it.

That's it!  That's all there is to it!  It's just a square!  You just set your sandwich in the middle,

fold the two non-Velcro sides over it,

and then Velcro it together!


Brian tried it out and said that it worked great.  I was a little worried that the seal wouldn't be airtight enough and the bread would get stale, but he said it was fine.  The bonus is that this doubles as a place mat which is great since he usually eats at a park or in the car, and the nylon is waterproof, so you can just wipe it down with a damp cloth.  You can also throw it in the washing machine if it gets too dirty.

Yay for awesome easy projects!  I think I'm going to make some more of these.  They would be great gifts, especially with Back to School around the corner!


  1. Never thought to use nylon before. I always told myself once I ordered the BPA free PUL I would make these, I may give this a try soon!

    1. Yeah, I was excited to find that, too, 'cause it's cheaper! I checked and it's foodsafe for what we're using it for. (I mean, I wouldn't put it in the microwave, but it's fine for wrapping a sandwich.)

  2. This is Manda sorry forgot I had a user name instead of my name :)

  3. Neat! I recently tried the re-usable saran wrap & hope to blog about it soon; if it works ;-) Love this easy idea!

    1. I've never heard of that! Can't wait to read about it! :o)

  4. Totally cool. What about using stick on or iron on Velcro? Would that be easier?

    1. Yes, it probably would. I don't know about durability, but definitely easier in the short run. Still, the sew on kind is super easy. I can sew a straight line like nobody's business! :o)

  5. I LOVE using a sandwich wrap for Jamie's lunch! (just have one PlanetWise brand one) Yeah, I don't like that it's not air tight, so I try to just make his sandwich first thing in the morning and it stays fresh enough in his lunch bag.

    1. Yeah, that was my biggest concern, especially since Brian packs his lunch the night before, but even after like, 15 hours, he said it was as good as new!

    2. Well, as good as new as any pre-made sandwich can be.

    3. Yeah, well, you know I don't even like sandwiches, so it's whatever Brian likes. I dunno.
